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PCOS-informer.com exists to provide information on the many products in the health and wellness marketplace. While our editors believe in every single product we feature on our website, in the interests of transparency we would like to disclose some basic facts relating to some products listed on our website which receive praise and positive reviews.
Here at PCOS Informer, we employ a comprehensive system of evaluation which carefully studies and measures the quality and effectiveness of the products we review. We examine product ingredient quality, safety, projected effectiveness, customer service policies, and overall customer satisfaction across a wide range of different
products and services.
We also spend time collecting information from relevant clinical studies and trials. We call our method the PCOS Informer Ranking System.
The Federal Trade Commission under United States regulations requires websites to disclose any relationship that provides any compensation at any time. We would therefore like to make you aware that PCOS-informer.com and its owners have a compensatory or proprietary relationship with some of the product manufacturers featured on this website.
This website is owned and operated by the same company that has ownership interest in certain products featured on this website. This compensation and our ownership interest may affect how and where products appear on the site, including the order in which they appear. This site does not include and rate all products in each category.
PCOS-Informer.com and its owners may also benefit and receive commission from the sale of certain products featured on this website, or may alternatively receive commission from Affiliate Programs such as Amazon Associates for recommending certain products.
PCOS-Informer.com is able to provide you with our free comparisons due to referral fees we receive from a number of companies that are compared and reviewed on our website.
All opinions and views expressed in the ratings are solely those of the website editors and/or featured article writers. The PCOS Informer authors vote and share their product reviews and rankings or review based on their own personal experiences with the featured product, or their own personal understanding of various products from their extensive online research. They do not necessarily reflect typical results from using these products.
Our top ranked products are reviewed on the basis of our own views, knowledge and opinions. We do not review all products in a given category. All opinions expressed on this site are our own.
Any claim, statistic, quote or other representation made about a product or service should be verified independently with the manufacturer, provider or third-party in question.
We would like to make it clear that none of the products featured on this website are intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease or illness. All statements made on PCOS-Informer.com have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, or the European Food Safety Authority in Europe.
PCOS-Informer.com is not a substitution for medical diagnosis or treatment. If you are suffering from a medical issue you should consult with your GP and seek the advice of a qualified medical professional as soon as possible.
All content featured on PCOS-Informer.com which may include text, images, reviews, product rating, and any other information we have obtained from product manufacturers are for informational purposes only.
While PCOS-Informer.com will do its best to ensure that all information featured on this website is accurate and updated at all times, we are unable to 100% guarantee the accuracy of all information featured on this website.
All product names, brand names, and other trademarks featured or mentioned on this website are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies and product owners.
The information contained within this site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have, expect to have, or suspect you may have any medical condition, you are urged to consult with a health care provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the European Food Safety Authority. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Results are based on the PCOS Informer Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Trademarks used on our website belong to their respective owners and no implied or expressed endorsement of our website or services is intended. Rankings can be affected by the relationship PCOS Informer has with our top picks. Please visit product websites for more information. We have a financial relationship with some of our product picks / product partners.